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Enhancing Assessment Practices: Workshop on Item Analysis for Evaluation of Applied Knowledge


Workshop on Item Analysis for Evaluation of Applied Knowledge

DME organized a one-day training workshop on item analysis for the faculty on Tuesday 4th July 2023.

Assessments are powerful tools for catalyzing the achievement of educational goals, especially if done rightly. One of the tools ‘doing it rightly’ is item analysis.

In the standardized and objective evaluation of student performances, the item analysis is a process in which both students’ answers and test questions are examined in order to assess the quality and quantity of the items and the test as a whole. Moreover, Statistical analysis of test item data is useful for faculty to achieve valid and reliable assessment instruments in order to appropriately measure student performance.

The core objective for this workshop, therefore, was to address the faculty about how item analysis provides valuable information to the teachers to further item modification and future test development and offers educational tools to assist them.
